PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion: only from 1 September to 31 December 2024

Receive an attractive discount on your PQ-Box order for the trade-in of an old device (PQ-Box 100 or 3-phase power quality analyser from a third-party supplier)

03.09.2024, 09:00 – 09:30 AM (CEST): Short presentation PQ-Box Trade-In-Promotion

Our motivation, your benefits and how to participate in the promotion in 15 – 30 minutes

On 3 September 2024, Jürgen Blum (Product Manager »PQMobil«) will present our motivation behind the PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion and the process for participating in the promotion in a short webinar. Find out in the approx. 15-minute how you can benefit from an attractive discount on your PQ-Box order from 1 September till 31 December 2024.

PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion: only from 1 September to 31 December 2024

We are constantly working to ensure that our power quality analysers are ahead of their time. To ensure that our customers can benefit from this in the best possible way, we are offering a time-limited PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion campaign. From September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, we will trade-in your A. Eberle PQ-Box 100 or a comparable third-party device (3-phase power quality analyser from a third-party provider) and offer an attractive discount on your PQ-Box order.

Discounts for Trade-in of an Old Device (A. Eberle PQ-Box 100 or 3-Phase Power Quality Analyser From a Third-Party Supplier):

  • Trade-in of old device* and purchase of PQ-Box 150 Light/Expert: 500 €**
  • Trade-in of old device* and purchase of PQ-Box 200: 600 €**
  • Trade-in of old device* and purchase of PQ-Box 300: 750 €**

    * old device: PQ-Box 100 or 3-phase power quality analyser from third-party supplier
    ** the discount applies to the net price of the PQ-Boxes (excluding taxes and shipping). The PQ-Box 50 model is excluded from this promotion.

10 Reasons for Upgrading to the Latest Measurement Technology by A. Eberle

01. Higher Sampling Rate of the Power Quality Analyser – Interference Search in Frequency Ranges up to 170 kHz

New power electronic consumers and energy generators cause interference in the grid in ever higher frequency ranges. The switching frequency of these consumers and generators is power-dependent. In the >30 kW to MW range, the clock frequency is approx. 2.5 kHz to 8 kHz. Up to approx. 30 kW output, the clock frequency is considerably higher. For example, the clock frequency of solar inverters is between 16 kHz and 18 kHz, charging stations for electric vehicles usually clock between 10 kHz and 80 kHz. However, a power quality analyser must sample at least twice as high as the frequency you want to record.

Figure 1: Example of a PQ Box 200 (40kHz) measuring grid interferences of a solar system
Figure 2: Image of a PQ-Box 100 (10 kHz) at the same measuring point – the PQ-Box 100 or many other analysers are unable to detect the interference.

As a result, mains interference in the 2 kHz to 150 kHz range is constantly increasing in our grids due to the increased use of power electronics. Power quality standards for public grids already provide limit values up to 150 kHz. For example in the international standard IEC 61000-2-2 for low voltage grids.

Figure 3: FFT spectrum of a PQ-Box 300 – 3D graph of supraharmonics over one week up to 150kHz

02. Standard-Compliant Measurement According to IEC 61000-4-7 in the Frequency Range 2 kHz to 9 kHz

The frequency range of the tolerance levels has been extended upwards in many of today’s standards. For example, many user guidelines for the connection of customer installations in the low, medium and high-voltage networks already contain limit values up to 9 kHz for voltages and currents. PQ-Boxes of the newest generation can supply these measured values in compliance with the given standards. With the current version of the power quality analysis software WinPQ mobil, you as a user can easily create a finished measurement report with the help of pre-installed power quality report templates in conformity with the latest standards.

Figure 4: Grouping procedure for voltage and current harmonics from 2kHz to 9kHz according to the standard IEC61000-4-7 with the WinPQ mobile power quality analysis software

03. Modifications to IEC 61000-4-30

The scope of the IEC 61000-4-30 measuring device standard has also been greatly expanded. The PQ-Box 100 and old devices from other manufacturers were still developed in accordance to an older Edition of the standard, while the new generation of devices (PQ-Box 150/200/300) already fulfils the latest Edition  at 100% for Class A reference measuring devices. This means your device is well prepared for the future.

04. Wider Selection of Measured Values

While the PQ-Box 100 was already able to record over 2,000 different measured values in parallel and without gaps, the latest generation of devices (PQ-Box 150/200/300) calculate more than 5,000 measured values. Active, reactive power or the phase angle and direction of all harmonics – to name just some examples – or the new important frequency range of supraharmonics up to 200kHz. Old devices from other manufacturers, such as the PQ-Box 100, are currently unable to detect a large number of interference phenomena in each measurement parallel.

05. WLAN interface

All devices of the new generation of the PQ-Box have a WLAN interface build in. It is now possible to operate the measuring devices wirelessly via a PC or smartphone. For example, a PQ-Box 150/200/300 can be operated behind a locked door or outdoors on a mast station without having to establish a cable connection.

06. Technical Data of the Devices Has Been Improved

  • Battery: PQ-Box 100: approx. 30 seconds vs. PQ-Box 150 (as an example of the new generation of devices): 4 hours. The battery life serves as a backup for bridging power failures and supply interruptions.
  • Memory: The memory size for measurement data has also been expanded to 4 GB or 8 GB (optional expansion up to 32 GB is easily possible).
  • Display: In the PQ-Box 150/200/300, a graphic colour display replaces the monochrome display used in the PQ-Box 100 or old devices from other manufacturers. For example, a vector diagram or an oscilloscope display can be shown on the display. This shows you as the user possible connection errors of the PQ-Box simply and clearly. Device parameterisation via the larger display and the operating buttons is also simpler and more user-friendly than with a PQ-Box 100 or old devices from previous device generations.

07. TCP/IP Interface

Do you want to check remotely what your PQ measurement is doing? Have enough events already occurred? Can I remove the measuring device at the measuring point?

With the PQ-Box 150/200/300, this is possible via a 3G/4G wireless modem, which is connected via the TCP/IP interface of the network analyser.

08. PQ-Box App

The PQ-Box App enables wireless access to your PQ-Box via WLAN with visualization and display of various live measurement data, including basic parameterization of the device. This comes in addition to an overview of the online data, the recorders and events, power and energy, pointer diagram, oscilloscope view and harmonics of the PQ-Box measurement data. The intuitive operation guarantees a simple and mobile operation of your PQ-Box.

Figure 5: Display of extensive online measured values via the free PQ-Box app for Android and iOS

09. Flexible AUX Input or a 5th Power Input

A flexibly parameterisable additional AUX input expands the application possibilities of PQ-Box 150/200/300 enormously. For example, a temperature sensor can be connected to each PQ-Box 200 and PQ-Box 300 in order to measure the temperature in the switch cabinet or on a transformer in parallel with the power quality measurement. The application could also require the measurement of a residual current on an RCD or parallel detection of a PE conductor current on earthing. Of course, you can also set a trigger threshold on the 5th measurement input or record events or faults with the fast recording possibilities.

Figure 6: Representation of a temperature measurement curve in a switch cabinet parallel to power quality measurement over a period of 9 days

10. Measure Fast Switching Transients

Fast switching transients are not uncommon in industrial applications. In order to be able to record these extremely fast events, a high sampling frequency is required, coupled with a very large measuring range. Our PQ-Box 200 is specialised for this and samples signals with 4 MHz.

Figure 7: Illustration of fast switching transients in an industrial plant, measured with a PQ-Box 200

Not sure what device is the right one for you?

Find the right Power Quality Box for your application


PQ-Box 150


PQ-Box 200


PQ-Box 300


20,48 kHz

Sampling frequency voltage

20,48 kHz

Sampling frequency current

4 (24-bit)

Input voltage (resolution)

4 (24-bit)

Input current (resolution

Binary input

4GB (32)

Memory size



4,0 h

Operating time via battery

40,96 kHz

Sampling frequency voltage

40,96 kHz

Sampling frequency current
up to

4 MHz

Sampling frequency transient measurement

4 (24-bit)

Input voltage (resolution)

5 (24-bit)

Input current (resolution

Binary input

8GB (32)

Memory size



4,0 h

Operating time via battery

40,96 kHz

Sampling frequency voltage

40,96 kHz

Sampling frequency current

409,60 kHz

Sampling frequency transient measurement

4 (24-bit)

Input voltage (resolution)

5 (24-bit)

Input current (resolution

Binary input

8 GB (32)

Memory size



3,5 h

Operating time via battery

Do you have any questions
about the PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion?

Get in touch with us.

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