+++ PQ-Box Trade-in Promotion: Only From 01.09. – 31.12.2024 +++ Attractive Discount on Your PQ-Box Order +++ Click Here for More Information! +++

+++ PQ-Box Trade-in Promotion: Only From 01.09. – 31.12.2024 +++ Attractive Discount on Your PQ-Box Order +++ Click Here for More Information! +++

+++ PQ-Box Trade-in Promotion: Only From 01.09. – 31.12.2024 +++ Attractive Discount on Your PQ-Box Order +++ Click Here for More Information! +++

»PQSys« Webinar

PQ-Monitoring & Feeder Current Measurement with PQSys

Webinar Recording

Title: PQ-Monitoring & Feeder Current Measurement in the Digital Secondary Substation

Date: 2024-08-06

Thank you for your interest in our solutions! In this video, Fabian Leppich – product manager »PQSys« – addresses the topic of power quality monitoring & feeder current measurement in the digital secondary substation.

• Why to measure the secondary substation at all?
• The path to transforming energy grids – how digitisation reaches the depths of the grids
• PQ-Measurement on the transformer – substations as key components of a successful energy transition
• Our three-stage concept – adapted to the challenges in the grid
• Practical application examples

Click here to watch the webinar recording:

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News From the Product Group

PQSys - News


International Partner Week 2024 – A look back

Our International Partner Week 2024 - many old friends and new faces were our guests, it was a pleasure.

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PQ-Box Trade-In Promotion: only from 1 September to 31 December 2024

For a limited time: Receive a discount for the trade-in of your PQ-Box 100 or a comparable external old device (3-phase power quality analyser). Click here for further information!

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General Knowledge

Voltage Monitoring

Find out everything you need to know about voltage monitoring in this article. What is voltage monitoring, why is voltage monitoring essential for both energy supply companies and industrial companies and how is it implemented in compliance with standards?

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General Knowledge

What Is Load Profile Measurement/Power Measurement?

This article explains the definition and difference between load profile measurement (RLM), power measurement and measuring the standard load profile. These are important methods for accurately recording energy consumption in commercial, large industrial plant as well as in the public energy grid.

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»PQSys« Webinar: PQ-Monitoring & Feeder Current Measurement in Low-Voltage Grids

Webinar recording from 2024-04-17: »PQSys - PQ-Monitoring & Feeder Current Measurement in Low-Voltage Grids«.

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General Knowledge

Residual current

In this article, you will learn about residual current measurement & residual current monitoring and why it is important to measure residual current.

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General Knowledge

Power Quality

Good power quality is characterized by the fact that the mains voltage actually arriving at the consumer matches the mains voltage promised by the utility company.

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General Knowledge

Reactive power – definition, calculation and measurement

The key role of reactive power in electrical engineering: definition, calculation, measurement and the differences to active power and apparent power. Find out how reactive power influences the efficiency of electricity grids and shapes energy transmission.

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General Knowledge

What is apparent power and how is it calculated?

This article addresses the question of what apparent power is and how to calculate it. An understanding of apparent power is crucial for the correct dimensioning of inverters and therefore for the optimum efficiency and performance of photovoltaic systems.

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General Knowledge

Ready for the smart grid of the future?

All information about smart grids/intelligent power grids, the technology behind them, advantages, disadvantages, challenges and current distribution.

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General Knowledge

Power Quality Analysis: Tips and Tricks II

Useful tips & tricks for handling Power Quality measuring devices and typical user errors - now in our two-part article! This article provides further insights and practical tips and application examples for power quality analysis.

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General Knowledge

Power Quality Analysis: Tips and Tricks I

Useful tips & tricks for handling Power Quality measuring devices and typical user errors - now in our two-part article! This article explains tips and tricks for performing power quality measurements. It explains which connection errors can be made and which preliminary considerations should be made before using a measuring device.

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Special Publication

Innovative & economical “system solutions” in the age of energy grid transformation

The transformation of the energy industry from a centralized structure to a decentralized energy supply is creating complex energy networks with volatile load flows and changing load flow directions. Grid feedback effects must be reduced to a tolerable level to avoid negative effects.

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DAKKS Calibration Report: PQI-DE & PQI-DA Smart With Sensational Results

In the DAKKS calibration according to VDE-AR 4110 Annex F, our power quality analyzers PQI-DE & PQI-DA smart have achieved sensational accuracy values.

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Special Publication

Measurement of voltage distortions in industrial grids with the PQ-Box 50

It is important to find disturbances in the system in a fast and reliable way. This report shows an example for trouble shooting with the Power Quality analyzer PQ-Box 50.

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Info letter

Information Letter No. 24: Integration guide for the metering of a power plant according to the Requirements for Generators (2016/631) RfG

Integration guide for the measurement of a power plant (EZA) according to VDE-AR 4110 and VDE-AR 4120.

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 23: Direction of harmonics Sources of harmonics in the power system

Le sens du flux de puissance des harmoniques est déterminé par le signe de la puissance activ

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 22: Definition of power measurements according to the standards DIN 40110-2 and IEEE 1459

There is a wide range of electronic measuring devices for the digital measurement of power...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 20: Capacitance of conductors

In the conductors of electrical power supplies, a distinction is made between the operating capacitance...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 19: The evaluation of power quality and detection of interference in medium voltage network

For various reasons, interest in the continuous monitoring of network quality in medium-voltage...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 8: Apparent power and reactive power in three-phase networks

The range of electromechanical and electronic measuring devices in analog - and digital technology...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 5: Zero sequence voltage in three-phase networks

With balanced network operation and inequality of the impedances in the consumer circuit, the phase...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 4: Summation of Alternating Currents

For the parallel connection of power sources, the principle of superposition applies, when all resources...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 2: Measurement Transformers in three-phase networks (Part 2)

In a symmetrically loaded three-wire three-phase network, a two-pole insulated voltage transformer...

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 1: Measurement Transformers in three-phase networks (Part 1)

The direct connection of measuring devices into the network is limited for safety reasons to values...

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