Pilot Project on a Motorway Parking Lot

Power cuts shut down water pumps and pose great challenges for the North-Bavarian motorway directorate

The Challenge

In 2018, the “Auergründel” PWC (car park with WC) on the A6 suffered repeat failures of its fresh and waste water pumps. The motorways directorate suspected the cause was high loads on the low-voltage cables. The short-circuit power of the network at the parking place was suspected to be insufficient to provide stable pumping.

What we did

Through a power quality (PQ) measurement with our PQ-Box 150, we determined that the 10 minute voltage averages were below the nominal voltage. This allowed us to determine that, when the pumps started up, the voltage at the connection point collapsed to the point that the frequency converter switched to error mode and reported an undervoltage. Increased power requirements during start-up can be compensated for by our low-voltage regulation system LVRSys®, which provides increased current.

The Result

Since the installation of the LVRSys®, no further faults in the control electronics have been reported. LVRSys® solves problems at motorway car parks like “Auergründel”, thus preventing the failure of gantry signage, water pumps and lighting systems at parking spaces and rest facilities..

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News from the product group

LVRSys® - News

Special Publication

Experimental Validation of a Low-Voltage Regulator Model – Case Study of a Maltese Low-Voltage Grid

This application report addresses the integration of the »LVRSys® Low-Voltage Regulation System« into the low-voltage grid in Malta.

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General Knowledge

Ready for the smart grid of the future?

All information about smart grids/intelligent power grids, the technology behind them, advantages, disadvantages, challenges and current distribution.

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Info letter

Info Letter No. 4: Summation of Alternating Currents

For the parallel connection of power sources, the principle of superposition applies, when all resources...

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»LVRSys®« Webinar: The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems | Integrate Electromobility, PV & Heat Pumps

Webinar recording from 2024-03-19: »LVRSys® - The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems | Integrate Electromobility, PV & Heat Pumps«.

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»LVRSys®« Webinar: The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems in Low-Voltage Grid

Webinar recording from 2023-06-06: »LVRSys® - The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems in Low-Voltage Grid«.

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»LVRSys®« Webinar: The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems in Industrial Facilities

Webinar recording from 2023-06-06: »LVRSys® - The Solution for Voltage Stability Problems in Industrial Facilities«.

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Special Publication

Performance increase in the distribution grid

Due to economic unreasonableness, grid operators are rejecting applications to connect PV systems in the low-voltage grid more often. The responsible grid planners are guided by the connection guideline VDE-AR-N 4105, in which decentralized generation facilities may only raise the voltage level in the low-voltage grid by 3% compared to the previous situation.

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Special Publication

Economic Analysis Low Voltage Regulation

Smart Grids and the resulting changes in the distribution grids face many distribution grid operators with different challenges. These include...

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